Seema sanghi handbook competency mapping
Seema sanghi handbook competency mapping

seema sanghi handbook competency mapping

She has over 100 psy-chometric tests, research papers and articles published in national and international journals and magazines. Human Resource Management, authored by her, received ISTD Book Award from the Indian Society of Training and Development (ISTD), Ministry of HRD. Her co-authored book Organizational Behaviour was highly appreci¬ated by His Excellency Dr A. Books authored by her include Towards Personal Excellence (also available in Chinese), Organizational Behaviour and Essentials of Organizational Behaviour (co-authored with Stephen Robbins and Timothy Judge) and Institutional Governance. She has been a recipient of three gold medals and national scholarships for academic excel¬lence.

seema sanghi handbook competency mapping

She received the Mother Teresa Award in 2003 and the Excellence in Education Award in 2004. She was formerly Director at FORE School of Management It offers consul-tancy in competency mapping, assessment centre, psychometric testing and development, assessment tool development, training and development, mentoring and coaching and HR processes and interventions. Seema Sanghi is Managing Director at Styrax Consultants, a firm set up by her in the human resource solution space, which is focused on developing processes and people.

Seema sanghi handbook competency mapping