The process is fairly simple, and there are three different ways to search for an image. Google’s reverse image search is compatible with most browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.

Searching an image using Google is easy, by uploading an image or object into the reverse image search, you can look up results with the aforementioned object in the image, images that are similar to the one you uploaded, or websites that use the image or a similar image. How To Use Reverse Image Search on Google Google Search Help’s reverse image search documentation tells us that you can look up an image to find out what it is or what kinds of things are in it, which website it came from, or even what other kinds of images look like it. The most well-known use of Reverse Image Search is the feature in Google Images. It is a step up from searching purely with keywords since you would only need one piece of input instead of multiple strings of text. Reverse Image Search is where you feed a computer an image and it will inspect it to see if it can cross-reference with a database of images to find the closest match. There’s a convenient and easy-to-use bunch of tools out there called Reverse Image Search that can quickly analyze an image and identify it among the billions of images on the web. Have you ever found a beautiful landscape photo that took your breath away and you wanted to know where it was taken? How about a picture of a celebrity doing something you know for sure they had never done? Or an unbelievable picture of a lawnmower flying in the air? Well, you are in luck.