For starters, Sousuke must continue his job as the undercover bodyguard of Kaname Chidori, while somehow mastering the unreliable Lambda Drive within the Arbalest proto-type (think mecca unit) so he can continue to do battle with rogue terrorist organizations all while at Mithril's beck and call! Of course, TSR wouldn’t be complete without creating a secondary love interest for Sousuke in the very cute form of Tessa Testarossa, the 16-year-old captain of Mithril's technological marvel of a submarine upon which Sousuke is assigned. StoryThe third addition to the Full Metal Panic (FMP) series - The Second Raid (TSR) focuses on the increasingly complicated life of Sousuke Sagara, our 17-year-old professional soldier who is employed by the anti-terror organization Mithril.